Automated instrumentation and control systems

Sosny R&D Company has been actively involved with the development of automated instrumentation and control systems. Sosny experts have acquired considerable experience in implementing various automated systems (including engineered ones) for Russian and foreign nuclear facilities. The Automatics Division activities cover the entire lifespan of the automated systems ranging from pre-design studies to commercial operation, from upgrades to decommissioning. Preliminary and final design documents are made up in strict compliance with regulatory requirements for the related automation facility (an NPP, a nuclear facility, etc.); the contents and execution of the documents are regulated by national and interstate standards.

Sosny's main developments regarding the automated systems for nuclear facilities are

  • instrumentation and control systems,
  • radiation monitoring systems,
  • non-destructive and destructive assay systems for the investigation of irradiated SFAs, fuel rods, absorber rods, etc. in hot cells,
  • non-destructive and destructive assay systems for the investigation of irradiated SFAs, fuel rods, absorber rods, etc. in NPP cooling pools,
  • manipulators and robot units,
  • process video surveillance systems including those used in high-radiation conditions,
  • self-sustained chain reaction alarm systems,
  • systems for accounting and control of nuclear and radioactive material and radioactive waste,
  • data processing, storage, and representation systems.

 The Automatics Department experts are skilled in industrial electronics, robotics technology, software, radiation control and measurement systems, process video surveillance, and metrology.



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