Research and Development Company
(AO SOSNY R&D Company)
Prospects and Practicality of RBMK SNF Reprocessing
Ye.Burlakov, V.Kvator, A.Tataurov (NRC Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, Russia), V.Volk (A.A.Bochvar VNIINM JSC, Moscow, Russia), A.Dorofeev, B.Kanashov, V.Smirnov (R&D Company "Sosny", Russia), N.Kalyazin, I.Lozhnokov, V.Mayorov (Leningrad NPP, Sosnovy Bor, Russia), D.Kolupayev (FSUE "Mayak" PA, Ozersk, Russia), Ye.Kudryavtsev, A.Khaperskaya (Rosatom State Corporation, Moscow, Russia)
VI International Nuclear Forum "Safety of Nuclear Technologies: Legal and Human Resources Provisions for the Innovative Nuclear Industry Development", St.Petersburg, Russian Federation, 26-30 September, 2011
The nuclear power plants (NPP) housing RBMK-1000 reactors have accumulated large stocks of spent nuclear fuel (SNF). The main way of the spent fuel management there is dry storage of fuel rod bundles in TUK-109 casks subsequently transferred to the centralized storage facility at Mining and Chemical Combine. This technology is developed for the conforming spent fuel assemblies (acceptable for long-term storage). The ways of management of non-conforming SFAs are under development now.
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