Research and Development Company
(AO SOSNY R&D Company)
Equipment Designing and Safety Analysis for Preparation of Liquid SNF of IIN-3M RR for Shipment
S. Komarov, A. Samsonov, A. Gayazov, D. Derganov, V. Grishin (Sosny R&D Company), U. Salikhbaeyv, N. Maksumov (INP ASU), T. Kirilova (Foton JSC), M. Tyacke (INL)
Technical Meeting on Lessons Learned from the Russian Research Reactor Fuel Return (RRRFR) Programme, 18–20 June 2014, Da-Nang City, Viet Nam
This paper presents actual status of equipment development and safety assessment of preparation of IIN-3M RR liquid SNF of Photon JSC (Tashkent, Uzbekistan) for shipment to the Russian Federation. The following basic technical decisions to handle liquid SNF on the RR site and at FSUE “PA “Mayak” are provided: removal of the fuel to the temporary storage canisters, equipment for loading fuel into the transport canisters, equipment for loading canisters into SKODA VPVR/M casks, equipment required to assemble and transport TUK-145/C and accept liquid SNF at the radiochemical plant.
The paper provides transport and technological scheme and basic results of safety assessment of temporary storage, preparation for shipment, road and air shipment and acceptance of the fuel at FSUE “PA “Mayak”.
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