Research and Development Company
(AO SOSNY R&D Company)
Final Stage of Preparation For Removal of Liquid SNF of IIN-3M Reactor
D. Derganov, S. Komarov, A. Samsonov (Sosny R&D Company), U. Salikhbaev, N. Maksumov (INP, Uzbekistan), T. Kirilova (Foton JSC, Uzbekistan), M. Tyacke (INL, USA)
The 9th Technical Meeting on Lessons Learned from the RRRFR Programme, Samarkand, Uzbekistan, 3-5 June 2015
The paper presents actual status of preparation for removal of liquid SNF of IIN-3M reactor of Foton JSC (Tashkent, Uzbekistan) to the Russian Federation.
The procedure and basic results of work implementation are provided:
- fabrication and testing of equipment to discharge liquid SNF from the reactor into the interim storage canisters;
- discharge of liquid SNF from the reactor into the interim storage canisters and SNF characterization;
- fabrication and testing of equipment to load liquid SNF into the transport canisters;
- fabrication and testing of equipment for loading transport canisters into SKODA VPVR/M at UJV Rez (Czech Republic) and on the site of IIN-3M reactor;
- fabrication and testing of equipment for acceptance of liquid SNF at Mayak PA;
- designing of equipment and licensing of Mayak PA to accept and reprocess liquid SNF.
Special attention is paid to safety of liquid SNF operation - use of related technical and administrative measures.
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