Technical Meeting on Lessons Learned from the RRRFR Programme, Samarkand, Uzbekistan, 3-5 June, 2015

Transfer Cask for Interim Transfer of MNSR Core and Core Loading and Off-loading Operations
Transfer Cask for Interim Transfer of MNSR Core and Core Loading and Off-loading Operations

S.V. Komarov, A.L. Denisov, A.A. Ivashchenko, A.A. Samsonov

The 9th Technical Meeting on Lessons Learned from the RRRFR Programme, Samarkand, Uzbekistan, 3-5 June 2015

The GHARR-1 research reactor conversion project involves the transportation of the spent HEU MNSR core to its country of origin – the People’s Republic of China. This transportation requires the MNSR core to be discharged from the reactor vessel and loaded into the SKODA MNSR cask to be followed by...

Available Reprocessing and Recycling Services for Research Reactor Spent Nuclear Fuel (a New IAEA Report)
Available Reprocessing and Recycling Services for Research Reactor Spent Nuclear Fuel (a New IAEA Report)

S. Tozser, F. Marshall, P. Adelfang, E. Bradley (IAEA), M. Budu (Sosny R&D Company), M. Chiguer (AREVA)

The 9th Technical Meeting on Lessons Learned from the RRRFR Programme, Samarkand, Uzbekistan, 3-5 June 2015

International activities in the back end of the research reactor (RR) fuel cycle have so far been dominated by the programmes of acceptance of highly-enriched uranium (HEU) spent nuclear fuel (SNF) by the country where it was originally enriched. These programmes will soon have achieved their goals and the...

Final Stage of Preparation For Removal of Liquid SNF of IIN-3M Reactor
Final Stage of Preparation For Removal of Liquid SNF of IIN-3M Reactor

D. Derganov, S. Komarov, A. Samsonov (Sosny R&D Company), U. Salikhbaev, N. Maksumov (INP, Uzbekistan), T. Kirilova (Foton JSC, Uzbekistan), M. Tyacke (INL, USA)

The 9th Technical Meeting on Lessons Learned from the RRRFR Programme, Samarkand, Uzbekistan, 3-5 June 2015

The paper presents actual status of preparation for removal of liquid SNF of IIN-3M reactor of Foton JSC (Tashkent, Uzbekistan) to the Russian Federation. The procedure and basic results of work implementation are provided: - fabrication and testing of equipment to discharge liquid SNF from the reactor into the interim...

Peculiarities of Nuclear Materials Air Shipments – Summary and Lessons Learned
Peculiarities of Nuclear Materials Air Shipments – Summary and Lessons Learned

S. Komarov, M.Budu, A. Ivashchenko (Sosny R&D Company), E. Lazarev, A.Gulyayanovskiy (Volga-Dnepr Airlines)

The 9th Technical Meeting on Lessons Learned from the RRRFR Programme, Samarkand, Uzbekistan, 3-5 June 2015

Air shipment of nuclear materials has its obvious advantages over the other transport modes: it significantly cuts the time of transportation, provides the best physical protection of the material; the approving procedures in transit countries are easier; geographically remote regions can be reached. That caused the wide use of air...

Support of Removal of VVR-K Reactor SFA By Air
Support of Removal of VVR-K Reactor SFA By Air

S. Komarov, A. Ivashchenko (Sosny R&D Company), P. Chakrov, D. Nakipov (INP, Kazakhstan), J. Dewes (SRNL, USA)

The 9th Technical Meeting on Lessons Learned from the RRRFR Programme, Samarkand, Uzbekistan, 3-5 June 2015

In 2014, the next two batches of VVR-K reactor SFAs containing highly enriched uranium were removed from the Institute of Nuclear Physics (INP, Almaty, Kazakhstan) to Russia for reprocessing under RRRFR program. It was the first time the fuel of this reactor was shipped by air. The use of an aircraft...

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