Safe Air Shipment of Maria Reactor HEU Spent Fuel Assemblies (Poland)


A. Ivashchenko, S. Komarov, R. Kudoyarov, A. Samsonov

The 11th Technical Meeting on Lessons Learned from High Enriched Uranium Take-back Programmes, Tbilisi, Georgia, 19–22 June 2017


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Ewa and Maria reactor SFAs have been shipped from Poland to Russia under the RRRFR Program since 2009. In 2009-2014, 7 shipments were implemented. They involved only on-land and sea transport.

The 8th shipment that finished removal of HEU SFAs from Poland was carried out in September 2016. A decision was taken to use air transport for the 8th shipment to significantly shorten its duration and enhance NM physical protection.

Air shipment of the spent fuel required specific engineering solutions to ensure nuclear and radiation safety. The presentation gives an insight in the exciting and complicated process of finding creative solutions by the developers of safe packages that often escape the public’s attention.



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