European Research Reactor Conference (RRFM 2017), Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 14-18 May, 2017

Safety Analysis and Environmental Impact Assessment for Foton RTC Decommissioning
Safety Analysis and Environmental Impact Assessment for Foton RTC Decommissioning

S.V. Komarov, A.Z. Gaiazov, A.A. Rozhnovskaia, I.V. Kuzmin, O.E. Polovnikov (Sosny R&D Company), U.S. Salikhbaev (IAEA)

European Research Reactor Conference (RRFM 2017),  Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 14-18 May, 2017

In 2016 Sosny R&D Company prepared Safety Analysis and Environmental Impact Assessment Report for FOTON RTC decommissioning (Tashkent, Uzbekistan) within the full cycle of decommissioning activities following the preparation INN-3M research reactor LSNF (liquid spent nuclear fuel) for shipment and its shipment to Mayak PA in 2014 for reprocessing. The main goals of decommissioning are to dismantle all buildings and facilities on the RTC site, to remove all radioactive waste and industrial waste from the RTC site and to reclaim the land for further unrestricted use (to return the site to the greenfield status). The assessments made in the Safety Analysis showed that annual effective dose limits for the personnel and public will not be exceeded both in case of planned FOTON RTC decommissioning and in case of hypothetical design-basis and beyond design-basis accidents. 

Nuclear and Radiation Safety Analysis of Discharge, Temporary Storage and Preparation IIN-3M RR LSNF for Transportation to Reprocessing
Nuclear and Radiation Safety Analysis of Discharge, Temporary Storage and Preparation IIN-3M RR LSNF for Transportation to Reprocessing

A.Z. Gaiazov, D.V. Derganov, S.V. Komarov, A.A. Rozhnovskaia, O.E. Polovnikov

European Research Reactor Conference (RRFM 2017),  Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 14-18 May, 2017

This paper briefly describes the procedure and equipment for handling liquid spent nuclear fuel (LSNF) of IIN-3M reactor located on the JSC FOTON site (Tashkent, the Republic of Uzbekistan).

The results of the safety analysis performed for the IIN-3M LSNF handling procedure are presented. This analysis includes the equipment media subcriticality calculations and ionizing radiation dose rates on the personnel work places estimations.

The severity of probable accident consequences is assessed and the measures to mitigate the consequences are also proposed.

The results of assessment became the basis for the developed procedure safety analysis report. The on-site activities according to the procedure considered were successfully completed in 2015.

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