Research and Development Company
(AO SOSNY R&D Company)
Lessons Learned from the Hungarian Shipment
J.Dewes (Washington Savannah River Company), S.Tozser, I.Vidovszky (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, KFKI Atomic Energy Research Institute), M.V.Baryshnikov (Sosny R&D Company , Russian Federation)
Nuclear & Enviromental Safety, №1, 2011 (special edition)
The largest shipment yet of Russian-origin spent nuclear fuel (about 130 kgs HEU and 100 kgs LEU) arrived to the Mayak facility on October 22, 2008. This project is notable by the fact that its implementation was carried out one of the first multimodal transport of spent nuclear fuel, the containers were transported on trucks, on rail and on sea.
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