Nuclear & Enviromental Safety

Choice of Transport Routes For Bilibino Spent Fuel on the Basis of Radiation Risks Assessment
Choice of Transport Routes For Bilibino Spent Fuel on the Basis of Radiation Risks Assessment

E.V. Suvorova, A.V. Khaperskaya (Rosatom Corporation), A.A. Stroganov, A.V. Kuryndin, A.S. Shapovalov (SEC NRS), A.V. Detkina, O.P. Barinkov, A. N. Dorofeyev (Sosny R&D Company)

Nuclear & Enviromental Safety, №3-4, 2013

In connection with the decision to end operation of Bilibino NPP, its reactors are due to be shut down for good starting in 2019. Within the framework of the Federal Target Programme "Nuclear and Radiation safety Assurance for 2008 and Until 2015", Sosny Research and Development Company had in 2011...

Ten Years of RRRFR Programme
Ten Years of RRRFR Programme

A.V. Smirnov, S.V. Komarov, B.A. Kanashov, S.N. Komarov

Nuclear & Enviromental Safety, №1, 2013

The Russian Research Reactor Fuel Repatriation (RRRFR) programme has been on-going for a decade as part of the Global Threat Reduction Initiative. Its primary objective is to prevent proliferation of nuclear materials through consolidation and disposal of the existing stockpiles of highlyenriched uranium and conversion of research reactors to low-enriched...

Libya: Intercontinental Overflight
Libya: Intercontinental Overflight

O.P. Barinkov, S.V. Komarov 

Nuclear & Enviromental Safety, №1, 2011 (special edition)

The latest and most advanced of the research reactors that Soviet specialists had built abroad was the IRT-10, commissioned in 1983 in Tajoura – a suburb of Tripoli, the capital of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. The spent fuel was removed from the Tajoura site in 2009.      

Spent Fuel Preparation and Removal from Institute of Physics and Power Engineering
Spent Fuel Preparation and Removal from Institute of Physics and Power Engineering

A. Sarbeev, S.V. Komarov, S.N. Komarov, A. Khudyakov (Sosny Research and Development Company), I. Gusakov-Stanyukovich (Rosatom Corporation), K. Golubkin, V. Ipatov (Mayak)

Nuclear & Enviromental Safety, №3, 2012

The Federal Target Programme "Nuclear and Radiation Safety Assurance for 2008 and Until 2015" makes provisions for implementation of a range of activities to improve safety of storage, prepare for shipment and ship the spent nuclear fuel currently located within the Institute of Physics and Power Engineering (IPPE) site. The...

Preparation of the First Air Transport of Spent Fuel Certified to New Requirements
Preparation of the First Air Transport of Spent Fuel Certified to New Requirements

O.P.Barinkov, B.A.Kanashov, S.V.Komarov ( Sosny R&D Company), A.E.Buchelnikov (Rosatom Corporation), V.I.Shapovalov, A.I.Morenko (VNIIEF Research Institute of Experimental Physics)

Nuclear & Enviromental Safety, №1, 2011(special edition)

During the implementation of the project to remove the spent fuel assemblies from the Romanian VVR-S reactor it became necessary to use air transport for that purpose. The Russian specialists had to go great lengths to first justify the safety of such transport, and then to make sure it actually...

Spent Fuel Repatriation from Kazakhstan: Stage One
Spent Fuel Repatriation from Kazakhstan: Stage One

I.Bolshinsky (Idaho National Laboratory, United States), D.Thomas (Washington Savannah River Company), P.Chakrov, D.Nakipov (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kazakhstan), S.N.Komarov, R.R.Kudoyarov (Sosny R&D Company)

Nuclear & Enviromental Safety, №1, 2011(special edition)

Between December 2008 and May 2009, Mayak received four trainloads of spent nuclear fuel from Kazakhstan. The implementation of this project demanded major organisational and engineering efforts.       

Lessons Learned from the Hungarian Shipment
Lessons Learned from the Hungarian Shipment

J.Dewes (Washington Savannah River Company), S.Tozser, I.Vidovszky (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, KFKI Atomic Energy Research Institute), M.V.Baryshnikov (R&D Company Sosny, Russian Federation)

Nuclear & Enviromental Safety, №1, 2011(special edition)

The largest shipment yet of Russian-origin spent nuclear fuel (about 130 kgs HEU and 100 kgs LEU) arrived to the Mayak facility on October 22, 2008. This project is notable by the fact that its implementation was carried out one of the first multimodal transport of spent nuclear fuel, the...

SKODA VPVR/M Casks: Certification in Russia and Operational Experience
SKODA VPVR/M Casks: Certification in Russia and Operational Experience

S.V.Komarov (R&D Company Sosny), K.V.Golubkin (FSUE Mayak Production Association), A.E.Buchelnikov (Rosatom Corporation), V.I.Shapovalov (VNIIEF)

Nuclear & Enviromental Safety, №1, 2011(special edition)

The SKODA VPVR /M cask is a type B(U) package licensed in the Czech Republic for applications in storage and transportation of spent nuclear fuel of Russian-origin research reactors. It is the first foreign-made cask that has been certified for multiple uses in the Russian Federation after completion of the required...

No Ocean Can Stop a Good Cause
No Ocean Can Stop a Good Cause

M.V.Baryshnikov (R&D Company Sosny), V.I.Shliachkov, N.L.Kuchin (Krylov Shipbuilding Research Institute), V.M.Ovsiannikov (ASPOL-Baltic Concern)

Nuclear & Enviromental Safety, №1, 2011(special edition)

The history of certified sea transports of spent nuclear fuel started only very recently in Russia – and it was exactly the RRRFR programme that promoted it. However, one can already confidently say now that this history will continue far beyond the framework of the programme....

Romania: Brand-New Enginering Solutions
Romania: Brand-New Enginering Solutions

I.Bolshinsky, K.Allen (Idaho National Laboratory, USA), L.Biro (National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control, Romania), M.Dragusin (National Institute for R&D in Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Engineering “Horia Hulubei”, Romania), B.A.Kanashov, M.E.Budu (R&D Company Sosny, Russia)

Nuclear & Enviromental Safety, №1, 2011(special edition)

The successful implementation of the SNF air shipment from Romania brought in the RRRFR Program various new engineering solutions, further used by other participating countries....

Czech Republic: Effective Cooperation Experience
Czech Republic: Effective Cooperation Experience

A.N. Dorofeev, S.V. Komarov, S.N. Komarov, A.V. Smirnov ( Sosny R&D Company , Russian Federation), F. Pazdera, F. Svitak, J. Kysela (NRI Rez, Czech Republic)

Nuclear & Enviromental Safety, №1, 2011(special edition)

During the removal of spent nuclear fuel from the LVR-15 research reactor at the Czech Nuclear Research Institute, for the first time within the framework of the RRRFR programme the SKODA VPVR/M casks were used and a justification was produced claiming that it is possible to return the radwaste resulting...

Management of Spent AMB Fuel: Technology Development
Management of Spent AMB Fuel: Technology Development

V.P. Smirnov 

Nuclear & Enviromental Safety, №1, 2010

One of the ways of managing the spent fuel from AMB reactors of Beloyarsk NP provides for SFAs to be cut directly on the site with subsequent delivery to Mayak for reprocessing in specialised dry casks and existing canisters....

Transport Overpack for TUK-19 Packages
Transport Overpack for TUK-19 Packages

O.P. Barinkov, B.A. Kanashov (Sosny Research and Development Company) K.V. Golubkin, V.M. Ipatov (Mayak Production Association)

Nuclear & Enviromental Safety, №1, 2009

Transportation of spent nuclear fuel from the Russian research reactors has traditionally been performed using rail transport. The same method was used to deliver spent fuel from foreign research reactors during the initial stages of the Russian Research Reactor Fuel Return (RRRFR) Programme. However, continued implementation of the Programme demanded...

Spent Fuel Transportation by Sea
Spent Fuel Transportation by Sea

M.V. Baryshnikov, A.V. Khudyakov (Sosny R&D Company) V.M. Ovsyannikov (ASPOL Baltic Concern), V.I. Shlyachkov (Krylov Shipbuilding Research Institute)

Nuclear & Enviromental Safety, №1, 2010

Foreign companies have gained a lot of experience of rine transportation of spent nuclear fuel. Use of sea tran port in our country could help resolve the issue of spentfu transfer from the northern naval bases and power plants, well significantly simplify delivery of spent fuel from cou tries that...

Repatriation of Low Enriched Uranium Spent Nuclear Fuel to Russia for Reprocessing
Repatriation of Low Enriched Uranium Spent Nuclear Fuel to Russia for Reprocessing

M. Baryshnikov, A. Buchelnikov (Rosatom), M.E. Budu, A. Dorofeev, S.V. Komarov, S.N. Komarov, A. Smirnov, P. Smirnov (Sosny R&D Company)

Nuclear & Enviromental Safety, №2, 2013

After the breakup of the USSR, Russia committed to repatriate the delivered nuclear fuel; however, the import of research reactor (RR) low enriched uranium (LEU) spent nuclear fuel (SNF) to Russia for reprocessing came to a stop due to the complexity of organizing international shipments in compliance with new laws....

Multimodal Transports – an Incentive to Improve
Multimodal Transports – an Incentive to Improve

A.N.Dorofeev, A.A.Ivaschenko, B.A.Kanashov, M.V.Baryshnikov 

Nuclear & Enviromental Safety, №1, 2011(special edition)

The implementation of the Russian Research Reactor Fuel Repatriation (RRRFR ) programme has helped its participants gather massive experience of spent nuclear fuel transports. As of the beginning of 2011, within the framework of the programme more than 600 kg of highly-enriched uranium have been transported enclosed in fuel assemblies...

Interim Results and Prospects for Spent Fuel Management at Bilibino NPP
Interim Results and Prospects for Spent Fuel Management at Bilibino NPP

M. Baryshnikov, E. Suvorova, A. Khaperskaya, N. Shorokhov (Rosatom Corporation), V. Fokin, K. Ozerov, E. Olenin, S. Petrov, F. Tukhvetov (Bilibino NPP), O. Barinkov, A. Dorofeyev, D. Ivanov, A. Leschenko (Sosny Research and Development Company)

Nuclear & Enviromental Safety, №3, 2012

The policy of Rosatom corporation with respect to spent nuclear fuel management, as stated in the industry's Concept of Spent Fuel Management (2008), is based upon the underlying principle that spent fuel is to be reprocessed in order to ensure environmentally acceptable management of fission products and recycling of...

Serbia: Complex Project, Long Transport Route
Serbia: Complex Project, Long Transport Route

A.V. Smirnov, S.V. Komarov, M.V. Baryshnikov, M.E. Budu 

Nuclear & Enviromental Safety, №1, 2011(special edition)

The Vinca reactor (Serbia) spent fuel repatriation project took five years to prepare, involved over 50 contractor organisations, and required trans-European transit. The project was successfully completed in December 2010 and received well-deserved international recognition....

Germany: Preparations Completed
Germany: Preparations Completed

I.V.Gusakov-Stanykovich, A.E.Buchelnikov (Rosatom Corporation), S.V.Komarov, E.N.Leschenko, A.A.Ivaschenko, A.A.Samsonov (Sosny R&D Company), V.M.Ipatov, K.V.Golubkin, K.V.Ivanov (FSUE Mayak)

Nuclear & Enviromental Safety, №1, 2011(special edition)

The Russian Research Reactor Fuel Return programme (RRRFR) makes provisions for the removal of spent nuclear fuel from the Rossendorfer Forschungs-Reaktor (hereinafter referred to as the Rossendorf Research Reactor, RFR) in Rossendorf, Germany to Mayak for reprocessing. In 2010, Germany refused to return its high-enriched spent fuel due to "environmental"...

Transport of Non-conforming Spent RBMK Fuel from Leningrad NPP to Mayak for Reprocessing
Transport of Non-conforming Spent RBMK Fuel from Leningrad NPP to Mayak for Reprocessing

B. Kanashov, A. Dorofeev, V. Smirnov (Sosny R&D Company), A. Khaperskaya, E. Kudryavtsev (Rosatom Corporation), N. Kalyazin, I. Lozhnikov (Leningrad NPP)

Nuclear & Enviromental Safety, №2, 2012

As initiated by Rosatom, on 14 January 2011 the management of Rosenergoatom (Russia’s operating utility) made the decision to commence the implementation of a "pilot" project to move sub-standard spent fuel assemblies from Leningrad Unit 2 to Mayak. The primary objective of the project was to determine whether it is...

Poland: Cooperation Results
Poland: Cooperation Results

A.N. Dorofeev, M.V. Baryshnikov, O.A. Savina 

Nuclear & Enviromental Safety, №1, 2011 (special edition)

During the repatriation of spent fuel from the Polish research reactors in 2009-2010, for the first time in the history of the RRFR programme, specialists encountered the need to use not one, but two different types of transport casks. In this connection, major upgrades were implemented to the process equipment...

Defective Spent Fuel Management at the Vinca Institute
Defective Spent Fuel Management at the Vinca Institute

A.A. Samsonov, S.V. Amosov, A.A. Ivaschenko 

Nuclear & Enviromental Safety, №1, 2011 (special edition)

The key component of the project to repatriate the spent fuel from the Serbian RA reactor was preparation to ship the non-leaktight spent fuel assemblies. The problems normally associated with the handling of such fuel were further exacerbated, among other things, by the lack of necessary equipment and insufficient qualifications...

Spent Nuclear Fuel Air Shipment: Safety Justification
Spent Nuclear Fuel Air Shipment: Safety Justification

S.V.Komarov , B.A.Kanashov, O.P.Barinkov, A.N.Dorofeev 

Nuclear & Enviromental Safety, №1, 2010

Spent fuel assamblies (SFAs) has been traditionally shipped across Russia only by rail before. The International Program on Russian-Origin Research Reactor Fuel Return (RRRFR) has assigned new tasks to nuclear power enterprises making them involve almost all types of conveyances including air transport. Most of the research reactors cannot receive heavy...

Belarus: Repatriation of Unique Fuel
Belarus: Repatriation of Unique Fuel

A.V. Smirnov, S.N. Komarov, P.A.Smirnov (Sosny R&D Company), D.N. Kolupaev, E.P. Makarov (FSUE Mayak Production Association)

Nuclear & Enviromental Safety, №1, 2011 (special edition)

In October 2010, Mayak received for reprocessing a batch of spent nuclear fuel from the Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research - Sosny in the Republic of Belarus. Most of this spent fuel was operated in the mobile nuclear power station Pamir-630D....

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