International Research Reactor SNF Take-Back Programmes as a Booster in Developing the Technologies and Equipment for Spent Fuel Preparation and Transport

Sergei Komarov

Technical Meeting on Lessons Learned from High Enriched Uranium Take-back Programmes, Beijing, China,  11–14 June 2018


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The irradiated fuel from the Russian-supplied research reactors located at various countries in Africa, Asia and Europe is imported to the Russian Federation under the international repatriation program
(RRRFR Program). 

MNSR Conversion and Removal Program is for high enriched uranium removal from the Chinese-built Miniature Neutron Source (MNSR) reactors located at Ghana, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan and Syria for further return to the People's Republic of China.  

Each program is aimed at reduction of the global terrorism threat and nuclear weapon proliferation risks.

Sosny Research and Development Company has been involved in various projects under the RRRFR Program since 2002 and the MNSR Conversion Program since 2015. 

Within its scope of work under the projects Sosny R&D Company develops technologies and equipment for safe SNF handling and loading into transport casks, both for conforming and damaged spent fuel. We also develop transport packages and equipment for SNF shipment by all conveyances.


High Enriched Uranium Take-Back Programmes have really boosted the development of SNF safe handling technologies and the SNF transport equipment. 

Experience in multi-modal shipment arrangements and the engineering solutions developed by Sosny R&D Company are universal ones and can be applied (and have already been applied) to any projects related to handling spent nuclear fuel from the research, power and propulsion reactors.

We have created the unique set of equipment and transport means for prompt removal of research reactor SNF even in case of natural disaster and/or terrorism threat for further safe handling, storage and reprocessing.

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