Research and Development Company
(AO SOSNY R&D Company)
Licensing Transboundary Shipments of RR SNF
M.E. Budu, S. Komarov (Sosny R&D Company), A. Buchelnikov (ROSATOM)
French-Russian Technical Seminar on the Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France, 11-12.02.2015
Examples of RR SNF transboundary shipments:
Long route land/sea shipments
Type B air shipments
Type C air shipments
1) Air shipments are recommended to be used in projects associated with the management of research reactor nuclear fuel for schedule optimization, physical protection improvement, and to overcome route restrictions.
2) Long route land/sea shipments are recommended to be used in projects associated with the management of research reactor nuclear fuel for the optimization of the number of shipments in case of big quantities, in case shipment coalitions are possible or if certificates/licenses were already issued for the given transport technology.
3) The regulatory requirements have a big impact on the project planning and implementation.
4) Each SNF shipment is unique and all advantages and disadvantages of possible solutions must be assessed in advance.
5) There is no perfect solution, but thorough safety assurance lowers any risks.
6) All the challenges can be overcome by good cooperation of the involved countries, authorities, and experts that contribute to the project.
7) Programs like the RRRFR or the FRRSNF have become catalysts for the improvement of the cask handling procedures, development of equipment for loading SFAs into the casks, and the use of new transport modes and routes.
8) The experience gained and the engineering solutions implemented during the RRRFR program have significantly extended capabilities for RR SNF transportation to Russia.
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