French-Russian Technical Seminar on the Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France, 11-12.02.2015

Licensing Transboundary  Shipments of RR SNF
Licensing Transboundary Shipments of RR SNF

M.E. Budu, S. Komarov (Sosny R&D Company), A. Buchelnikov (ROSATOM)

French-Russian Technical Seminar on the Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France, 11-12.02.2015

Examples of RR SNF transboundary shipments: Long route land/sea shipments Type B air shipments Type C air shipments Conclusions: 1) Air shipments are recommended to be used in projects associated with the management of research reactor nuclear fuel for schedule optimization, physical protection improvement, and to overcome route restrictions. 2) Long route land/sea shipments are recommended...

TUK-145/C Reference Manual. Compliance with SSR-6 and PDSR-2012
TUK-145/C Reference Manual. Compliance with SSR-6 and PDSR-2012

M.E. Budu, S. Komarov

French-Russian Technical Seminar on the Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France, 11-12.02.2015

Introduction: – Evolution of requirements for air shipment of RM – TUK-145/C development, safety justification and licensing TUK-145/C Reference Manual: – Brief presentation of the document – Comparison of regulatory requirements – Analysis of compliance with regulatory requirements Conclusions: 1) The modern international and national regulatory frameworks are now sufficiently developed in comparison with the 1970s and efficiently...

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