E. Zvir, V. Smirnov (Sosny R&D Company, Russia), I. Hamvas (Paks NPP, Hungary)
Conference on the Management of Spent Fuel from Nuclear Power Reactors, Vienna, Austria, 31 May – 4 Jun 2010
The issue of handling leaky fuel is one of the crucial issues of nuclear energy. It is directly connected with transportation of leaky spent nuclear fuel (SNF) that is mostly stored in the station's cooling pools. At present damaged spent nuclear fuel (SNF) of thirty VVER-440 spent fuel assemblies (SFA) is loaded into the ventilated canisters of types 28 and 29 and temporary stored in the cooling pool of Paks NPP. The report presents the milestones of preparation and safety justification of the technology for preparing canisters with damaged SNF of Paks NPP for transport to FSUE “PA “Mayak” (Russia) for reprocessing.