Vacuum Container for the Cold Neutron Source

Year of manufacture: 2021



The vacuum container is a constituent part of the CNS vacuum assembly.

It is a sealed vacuum vessel which houses the CNS. The vacuum container is designed to localize consequences of potential accidents at the Cold Neutron Source, including the detonation of a stoichiometric deuterium-air mixture at atmospheric pressure (1.01´105 Pa).

Its body has six adjustable supports and is secured to the wall-mounted brackets by the tie-rods.

The handling platform has guard rails and balconies to get access to the vacuum container parts to be maintained.  

The vacuum container body is five-sectional. The sections are joined by flanges with sealing gaskets. The vacuum container has a special retainer to protect and align the CNS inside its body.



Safety Class   4 as per NP-033−11 
Seismic Category  III as per NP-031−11 
Leakage Class  III as per GOST R 50.05.01−2018 
Dimensions ( L x W x H)  4225x2850x9147 mm 
Internal volume   1750±50 L 
Weight  5000 kg 
Residual internal pressure   10−3 Pa 
Pressure at the accident localization   2.1 MPa 
Operating temperature   from +5 °С to +45 °С 
Base material  Steel 12Х18Н10Т 
Service life   5 years 





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