Head of Division
Head of Transportation Department
Research and Development Company
(AO SOSNY R&D Company)
Project Management Division

Alexey Ivashchenko

Pavel Bogatov
Head of Process Engineering Department
The Sosny R&D Company set up the Project Management Division (PMD) in 2023. It comprises the Transportation Department and the Process Engineering Department.
The primary task of the PMD employees is to manage and provide technical support to the contracts and agreements associated with the Company's production activities as follows:
- organize analytical support and feasibility studies for contract drafting;
- conduct analytical and research studies to collect, process and analyze information on techniques, technologies, equipment, and services for nuclear facilities, develop practical recommendations;
- coordinate subcontractors' activities;
- develop operating documents, procedures, techniques, programs, and deliverables.
The nuclear material (NM) transportation arrangement, management, and support activities include:
- inspection and characterization of the spent nuclear fuel after storage for follow-on shipments to a reprocessing plant;
- analysis of radiation impact on the personnel, the public and the environment during the RM shipment;
- analysis of the inventory and condition of the NM transport equipment (containers, casks, railway cars, trucks, handling equipment, etc.) from the perspective of its use for the NM shipment;
- participation in the development of ancillary equipment for the NM handling and transport;
- feasibility study of different NM transport options;
- development of the most appropriate plans of NM transport in terms of cost-effectiveness and safety to facilities for post-irradiation examinations, storage, cutting, inventory forming, reprocessing, disposal, or others;
- preparation of data and documents justifying nuclear and radiation safety of NM packages for their certification and transport;
- elaboration of terms of references for development of new transport equipment;
- safety justification of transport of the fuel from power-grade, research, and propulsion reactors in cases not regulated by safety standards.
The technology development activities include:
- selection of the most appropriate SNF handling pattern in terms of safety, labor and financial costs;
- development of procedures for preparation of radioactive substances and nuclear material for transport and storage;
- development of procedures for handling the radioactive waste generated after preparation of the radioactive substances and nuclear materials for transport and storage;
- development of RS and NM transport and handling plans;
- development of equipment operation procedures;
- development of personnel training programs;
- implementation of developed technologies (in the scope of the developer's supervision);
- participation in development of the conceptual design of equipment, tools, and accessories;
- evaluation of the equipment design for its applicability in the production process;
- participation in elaboration of the equipment operation manuals, test programs and procedures;
- assessment of design and process solutions for their compliance with terms of reference and implementability in the production process;
- development of organizational, design, program, methodological, process, and operating documents including nuclear and radiation safety justification documentation for decommissioning and disposal of nuclear facilities.